
Whether you are putting up a tent or tying up your boat knowing the right knot is essential. Here are a number of knots that will help in most situations.

  • Basic knots every Sea Scout should learn
    There are 7 knots that are really important to us as Sea[…]
  • Figure of 8
    This is a stopper knot designed to help a rope[…]
  • Rolling Hitch
    This hitch allows you to take the strain sideways. Its[…]
  • Bowline
    The Bowline is an incredibly useful knot. It provides a[…]
  • Reef Knot
    The Reef Knot is a simple knot. Easy to both[…]
  • Clove Hitch
    The clove hitch is an important knot, forming the start[…]
  • Sheet Bend
    The name of this note refers to the “sheets” on[…]
  • Round Turn & 2 Half Hitches
    This knot is the main one we use for tying[…]
  • Throwlines
    Throw lines are a really important bit of safety equipment.[…]
  • Overhand Knot
    The overhand knot is the simplest knot and-art of many[…]
  • Cleat Hitch
    Attaching a boat to a cleat using “OXO” or a[…]
  • Timber Hitch
    The Timber Hitch is useful when towing a spar or log[…]
  • OXO
    The OXO knot is one of the core ways in[…]