The OXO knot is one of the core ways in which we secure a line to a cleat.
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Lights for boating
A really helpful guide from the RYA to the lights carried by vessels can be found here:
Read moreCold Shock
Cold water shock is caused when you enter water below around 15 degrees, especially unexpectedly. The cold water can lead[…]
Read moreCleat Hitch
Attaching a boat to a cleat using “OXO” or a cleat hitch is an absolute core skills. Knots should be[…]
Read moreOverhand Knot
The overhand knot is the simplest knot and-art of many others. It can also be used as a simple stopper[…]
Read moreThrowlines
Throw lines are a really important bit of safety equipment. They can be stored easily without the rope getting tangled[…]
Read moreRound Turn & 2 Half Hitches
This knot is the main one we use for tying up boats. The round turn takes the load and the[…]
Read moreSheet Bend
The name of this note refers to the “sheets” on a sailing boat; which are the ropes which control the[…]
Read moreReef Knot
The Reef Knot is a simple knot. Easy to both tie and untie. It takes its name from its use[…]
Read moreBowline
The Bowline is an incredibly useful knot. It provides a loop which won’t slip. This is used in a variety[…]
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